As the start of Term 3 there are a few things to begin with...
1. List of elements Al, Zu, Cu, Mg, Hg, Fe, C, S, Cl, N, I, H and O ( list 20 elements inclusive )
2. E-portfolio : Deadline End of Term 3
3. Ace : Deadline T3W6 Fri 23:59
4. Term 3 Test wk 6 Thu 4/8

On: Element, compound, mixture,                          15 MCQ
solution, suspension, separation technique             25 structured questions
                                                                               40 marks and 5 marks for pop quiz S.I.units

5. Topics to be taught in Term 3
- cell
- diffusion and osmosis
- digestion
- respiration
- photosynthesis

Practical : D
-- Wk 2, 4, 6, 8

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