Term 2 - lesson 2 - solution and suspension

- formed when the solute completely dissolve in the solvent
- a solution is homogenous
- it is colourless and nothing should be seen suspended in it
- upon filtering there should be no filtrate 

- solute cannot dissolve in solvent
- it is not homogenous
- it is not colourless and there are particles suspended
- upon filtering there is a filtrate

There are also different concentration of a solution >>
>A little amount of solute vs solvent -> dilute solution
>A solution near max solubility -> concentrated solution
>Max solubility -> saturated solution
>Over max solubility -> suspension

Solubility can be effected by :
[ temperature - Kinetic particle theory as when it vibrates faster, more exposed space.
[ size of the particles - more exposed surface area would dissolve faster.
[ stirring - distribution of the particles.

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